Friday 3 May 2013

Final images Model 2

Bloody Mary 

This is the final outcome for my bloody Mary design. I feel thrilled with the outcome as I feel the image really captures the concept behind them. She's an evil demon Queen that steals the beauty of any girl that calls upon her. The demon eyes worked really well in adding something subtlety disturbing to the image. I took inspiration from Rihanna's music video 'Disturbia' and replicated the painted witchy fingers on my model.

Final Images for Model 1

I was really pleased with the final outcome of the bloody Mary victim design. I went with the straight messy hair, to give my model a ruffled sexy look. To style my model she wore a leather jacket backwards to create a Tudor-essence to the look with the high collar. The arrangement of studs on each shoulder also worked really well with fitting in with the Gothic theme. I envisage these images being in a Marylin Manson video or other metal videos similar to that style. 

Model 2 (Bloody Mary)

This is my model choice for my interpretation of Bloody Mary. I chose this model as she has quirky, striking looks that fits well for my design of Bloody Mary. 

Face Chart for Bloody Mary 

 I have designed the make-up for bloody Mary using quite harsh lines for the eye make-up a different version of the very popular trend of smoky eyes. Contouring the face with darker shades creates a more strong, skeleton like shape making her seem more evil. 

Model 1 (Bloody Mary Victim)

This is my model choice for my 'Victim Look'. I chose her as a model for this look as she is naturally pretty and will wear the make-up look well. She has long hair which will work best for the hairstyle I want. She also has a nose piercing and dark routes which I think will fit in well with the 'Gothic theme' 

Face Chart for Bloody Mary Victim

The design for this look is to make the make-up runny, smudged as if the model had been crying. The dark make-up streaks and gloss over them will give this effect. I've also smudged the mascara over the top and bottom of the eyes to make it look as if the it had been ruined by tears. I'll keep the lips plain as I want the main focus of this look to be on the eyes.  

Thursday 2 May 2013

A few rough sketches!


Possible hair-styles for the victim-

Possible hair-styles for bloody Mary - 


For my final images of my victim I want her to have subtle scratches on her face to show that bloody Mary has attacked her. Although I only want to keep it subtle as the concept behind the images is that Bloody Mary is stealing her beauty rather than ruining it. To do this I'll use a stipple sponge to create light scratches on my models face.