Monday, 22 April 2013

How it began ...

The Contenders...

Countess Elizabeth Bathory Nadasdy (1560-1614) is a famous real historical figure who was alleged to have drunk and bathed in the blood of young virgin girls in order to retain her youth. The legend could quite possibly have originated from the actions of this wicked and malicious woman. 

The next contender is one of which im most interested in! Queen Mary Tudor (1516-1558) also known as Mary Queen of Scots. Queen Mary Tudor was given this nickname until after her death in 1558. She was responsible for the deaths of many English protestants. The method of execution was to be burnt at the stake. Countess Eliabeth Bathory Nadasdy was alive during the reign of Queen Mary Tudor and perhaps the combination of these two women and a few ghastly myths you have the basis of the Bloody Mary legend. 

A modern version of the legend is about a woman who was involved in fatal car accident resulting in her face being horribly dismembered. Her spirit is summoned when chanting the words bloody Mary in the mirror and her scarred bloody face appears in the mirror screaming.

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